What to Expect at the 12-Week Scan: A Guide for Expectant Parents

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The 12-week scan is an important milestone for expectant parents as it provides an opportunity to see their baby for the first time and check that everything is progressing as it should. In this blog, we’ll be discussing what to expect at the 12-week scan.

What is the 12-week scan?

The 12-week scan, also known as the dating scan, is a routine ultrasound scan that’s usually done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. It’s used to confirm the due date of the baby, check for multiple pregnancies, and assess the baby’s growth and development.

What happens during the scan?

During the 12-week scan, you’ll lie on a bed with your abdomen exposed while a sonographer uses an ultrasound machine to scan your belly. The sonographer will apply some gel to your belly to help the ultrasound probe glide smoothly over your skin.

The sonographer will look at your baby’s head, body, and limbs to check for any abnormalities. They’ll also measure the baby’s size to confirm the due date. The sonographer will look at the baby’s heartbeat to make sure it’s beating regularly and within the normal range.

What can you see during the scan?

During the 12-week scan, you’ll be able to see your baby for the first time. The sonographer will be able to show you the baby’s head, body, limbs, and fingers. You may also be able to see the baby’s heartbeat flickering on the screen.

What happens after the scan?

After the 12-week scan, you’ll be given a report that summarises the findings of the scan. This report will be given to your midwife or doctor, who will discuss the results with you. If the sonographer identified any abnormalities, you may be referred for further testing or monitoring.

In conclusion, the 12-week scan is an important milestone for expectant parents as it provides an opportunity to see their baby for the first time and check that everything is progressing as it should. During the scan, the sonographer will check the baby’s growth and development, look for any abnormalities, and confirm the due date. The scan is an exciting time for expectant parents, and it’s a great opportunity to see their little one for the first time.

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