Why Do Babies Put Everything in Their Mouths?

Anastasia Nelen 1uhdxw0ljzs Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why babies put everything in their mouths? From toys to keys to even their own hands, babies seem to have an insatiable desire to explore the world through their mouths. It might seem strange or even concerning, but there are actually some very good reasons why babies do this.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that babies are born with a natural instinct to explore and learn about their surroundings. They are curious about everything and want to understand how things work. One of the ways they do this is by putting things in their mouths. By exploring objects with their mouths, babies can get a better sense of their texture, taste, and shape. They can also learn about the temperature, weight, and other physical properties of objects.

Secondly, babies put things in their mouths because it is a natural reflex that helps them to soothe themselves. Sucking on a pacifier or their thumb can help babies to calm down when they are upset or anxious. Similarly, chewing on objects can help to relieve the discomfort of teething. Babies also derive pleasure from oral exploration, as it can release endorphins and provide a sense of comfort.

Thirdly, putting objects in their mouths can help babies to develop their fine motor skills. As they explore objects with their mouths, they are also developing the muscles and coordination needed for speech and eating. This can be particularly important during the early stages of development when babies are learning how to coordinate their movements and interact with their environment.

It’s important to note that while it is natural for babies to explore objects with their mouths, it’s also important to ensure that they are safe. Babies should never be allowed to put small or hazardous objects in their mouths, as this can pose a choking hazard. Parents and caregivers should also ensure that toys and other objects are free from harmful chemicals or materials that could be harmful if ingested.

In conclusion, babies put things in their mouths for a variety of reasons, including exploring their environment, soothing themselves, and developing their fine motor skills. While this behaviour is natural, it’s important to ensure that babies are safe and that they are not putting hazardous objects in their mouths. By providing safe objects for exploration and monitoring their behaviour, parents and caregivers can help to support their baby’s natural instinct to explore and learn about the world around them.

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