What Can my Baby Do by 3 Months Old?

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By the time a baby is 3 months old, they have already achieved many significant developmental milestones. Here are some of the things you can expect your baby to do by 3 months old.

  1. Holding up their head

By the time a baby is 3 months old, they should be able to hold their head up for short periods of time. This is an important milestone that helps babies to develop the muscles they need to sit up and eventually crawl.

  1. Smiling

One of the most rewarding moments for parents is seeing their baby’s first smile. By 3 months old, babies are often smiling in response to their parents’ faces or voices, and they may even start to laugh or coo.

  1. Following objects with their eyes

Around 3 months old, babies are able to track objects with their eyes and follow them as they move. This is an important skill that helps babies to develop hand-eye coordination and prepare for reaching and grasping objects.

  1. Reaching for objects

By 3 months old, babies may start reaching for objects with their hands. They may also try to bring objects to their mouth, which is a sign that they are starting to explore and discover the world around them.

  1. Recognising familiar faces and voices

Babies are social creatures, and by 3 months old, they are starting to recognize familiar faces and voices. They may smile or coo when they see their parents or caregivers, and they may start to show preferences for certain people or objects.

  1. Sleeping for longer periods of time

At 3 months old, babies are starting to establish more regular sleep patterns, and may sleep for longer periods of time at night. This is a welcome relief for many parents who have been surviving on interrupted sleep for the first few months of their baby’s life.

In conclusion, by 3 months old, babies are already achieving significant developmental milestones. From holding up their head and reaching for objects, to smiling and recognising familiar faces, these early accomplishments set the stage for a lifetime of learning and growth. As a parent, it’s important to celebrate these milestones and support your baby’s continued development with love, patience, and plenty of opportunities to explore and discover the world around them.

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