What Can my Baby do by 4 Months Old?

Daniel Thomas Tynzeqehmk Unsplash

By four months old, babies are becoming more aware of their surroundings, interacting with their caregivers, and developing their motor and cognitive skills. Here are some of the things that a baby can do by four months old:

  1. Hold their head up

By four months old, babies have developed enough neck strength to hold their head up while lying on their stomach or being held upright. This is an important milestone as it allows them to explore their surroundings and interact with the world in a more active way.

  1. Reach and grab objects

Babies at four months old are starting to develop their hand-eye coordination and can reach for and grasp objects within their reach. They may also start to explore the textures and shapes of objects by putting them in their mouth.

  1. Smile and make eye contact

By four months old, babies are becoming more social and can recognize familiar faces. They will smile at their caregivers and make eye contact during interactions, indicating their growing social awareness.

  1. Babble and make sounds

Babies at four months old are starting to babble and make sounds, such as coos and gurgles. They may also start to imitate sounds and respond to the sound of their caregivers’ voices.

  1. Roll over

Some babies at four months old may start to roll over from their stomach to their back or vice versa. This is a significant milestone as it indicates their growing strength and mobility.

  1. Follow moving objects

Babies at four months old can track moving objects with their eyes and may be fascinated by toys or people moving in front of them.

  1. Recognise familiar faces and objects

By four months old, babies are starting to recognise familiar faces and objects, such as their caregivers or favorite toys. They may show excitement and joy when they see these familiar things.

In conclusion, by four months old, babies are reaching important developmental milestones as they become more aware of their surroundings, interact with their caregivers, and develop their motor and cognitive skills. Parents and caregivers can encourage their babies’ development by providing safe and stimulating environments and engaging in activities that support their growth and learning.

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